


採択されたのはベルギーのSiemens Industry Software NVという企業. 今回は応募の経緯と,採択に至る過程を簡単に紹介しようと思う.





一番驚いたのは,2次の面接に合格したこと.というのも,僕は特に英語が得意というわけでもなく,本番でも面接官の質問にほとんど答えられなかったから. 後から考察するに,おそらく研究分野が候補となる企業の業務内容とマッチしていたことが大きかったんじゃないかと思う. あとはわからない質問には沈黙するんじゃなくて,単語のつぎはぎでもいいからとにかく喋ること. 語学力というより,話そうとする意思を見せたことがよかったのかもしれない. ちなみに,グループディスカッションのテーマは「たこ焼きをヨーロッパで得るための企業戦略を考えよ」みたいな感じだった. 個別面接では好きな漫画を尋ねられたので,即座に『HUNTER×HUNTER』と返答したが,誰もご存知なかったようで焦った.


  • 1次選考志望動機(和文)


私の目標は世界を舞台に活躍するエンジニアになることです. より具体的には,日本の重工業またはプラントエンジニアリング企業の研究開発部門などに所属し,海外の大きなプロジェクトに携わるなかで,技術面から業界に一定の貢献をしていくことです. 後述する制御工学を専攻する中で,私は巨大なシステムをどのように設計し,動作させるかに興味をもち,このようなキャリア設計をするに至りました.

貴プログラムを通じて得るものは「外国語でのコミュニケーション」「未知の環境での研究開発」など目標達成のために不可欠な経験であるばかりでなく,欧州での文化的生活を体験することは,私の価値観を広げてくれると予感します. また,欧州諸国には,ドイツのシーメンス社やフランスのシュナイダー社,スイスのABB社など,規模・技術の両面で日本に先行する企業が数多くあるため,私は将来そうした企業の人たちと積極的に関わり,協力・競争したいと考えています. そのため,私の目標と,貴プログラムの目的である「将来の日欧関係を担う若者育成」はマッチするといえます.


現在私はシステム科学を専攻し,その中でも制御工学を研究対象にしています. 制御工学とは,制御対象への入力を工夫することにより,その出力を自由に操作することを目指す学問です. ここでの制御対象とは,機械系,電気系,化学プロセス系,生物系など,産業上重要なあらゆるシステムを含みます. また本学問では,対象を数式でモデル化したうえで,制御手法を統一的な枠組みで議論することができます. このような応用の可能性と,理論の簡明性が,本学問の魅力だと考えます.

現在私は,制御信号に離散値しか用いることができない場合に対する,制御手法の研究をおこなっています. このような制約は産業上よくある要請であり,意義のある研究だといえます. 私が提案する制御手法では,信号に確率的な雑音を意図的に付加することで,制御性能を改善することができます. これは,制御器に乱数生成器を取り付けるだけで実装できる,コストパフォーマンスに優れた手法です.


はじめに,私は研究者としての素質を備えています. 私は前述の研究内容に関して一定の成果を上げており,これまで学会発表を国内で2件,国外で1件おこなったほか,国内でもっとも権威ある学会に論文が採択されました. これらは勉学に関する地道な下積みなしには達成できない成果です.

また,私は技術者として一定のスキルを備えています. 具体的にはシミュレーション,実機実験,データ分析などをはじめとする,研究活動に必要なひと通りの作業を経験しています. また,C, Python, Matlabなどのプログラミング言語を扱うことができます.

  • 1次選考志望動機(英文)

Motivation to take part in this program.

My life goal is to be the engineer leading the world. Specifically, I will belong to the department of research and development in the heavy industry or plant engineering company and execute the big project that have a big effect on all over the world. I studied on control engineering in Osaka University and Kyoto University profoundly, and also got interested in designing and controling a huge system. This is why I have decided to apply for this program.

Through this program, I strongly believe that I can obtain the experience not only improving my skills to have communication with people in English and to do research and development with foreigners but also broaden my horizon. In addition, European countries have a lot of companies such as Siemens, Schneider Electric and ABB that lead the Japanese companies in the technological aspect. Moreover, I insist that we Japanese companies have to compete and cooperate with these huge European companies in the future and so is my future plan. As I mentioned so far, the purpose of this program and my future goal match perfectly.

Field of study in undergraduate and graduate school

I’m majoring systems science and particularly researching control engineering in my university. Control engineering is a study about arranging the input to the controlled object in order to control the output as we like. The controlled object can be mechanical, electronical, biological systems or a chemical process and these are fundamental to an industry. In this study, first we model the object and after which we can discuss the method to control the object coherently. For these reasons, it’s possible to apply this study to many cases and understand many things simply.

My particular interest of research is studying control methods using only a quaitized signal, which is a common situation in an industry. Our propose method can improve control performance by adding random noise intentionally. We can implement this method by installing random numbers of generator, hence this is high cost performance method.

How I can contribute to the accepting company

First, I have the making of a researcher. The research content mentioned above was presented at the academic meeting three times, and will be published in the Journal of “The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers(SICE)”. Moreover, I received “the research encouragement award” last year by SICE, hence this honor would be the evidence of my passion toward study.

Second, I have essential skills for engineers. More specifically, I have experienced necessary operations for scientists, such as simulation, lab test, data analysis, etc. I can use C, Python, Matlab.

  • 3次選考Motivation Letter

To Whom It May Concern,

I am *** *** and my major is control engineering. Control theory deals with the behaviour of dynamical systems that have feedback. These controlled systems can be mechanical, electronic, biological systems or a chemical processes and are fundamental to any industry. Right now, I am studying a new method that can control systems more simply than the conventional method of controlling systems. Specifically, we usually use continuous-valued signals to control systems, but I attempt to control them using only discrete-valued signals. I believe it will be very useful for industry.

My life goal is to be an engineer of an R&D department in a leading company and work on projects that will have a large impact on the world. Through this program, I strongly believe that I can improve my English communication skills and gain valuable research and development experience working alongside foreigner >researchers. But, more importantly, working in this environment will broaden my horizons, expanding the way I view the world.

In addition, European countries have a lot of companies such as Siemens, Schneider Electric and ABB that lead Japanese companies in respect to technological processes. Moreover, I believe that Japanese companies have to compete and cooperate with these companies to make advancements in the field. I wish to pursue this goal of bettering the engineering as a whole through this cooperation. As I mentioned so far, the purpose of this program and my future goals are perfectly synced.

There are many reasons for me to apply for your company. First and foremost, my field of research area and the training received through this program align well. Secondly, I am incredibly interested in the development of automotive or aerospace systems. Finally, I want to understand the corporate culture in Europe by working in the subsidiary of a famous company, Siemens.

I feel that I am well qualified to apply this program. I have the desire and conviction to be a researcher. The research I have worked on, mentioned above, was presented at three separate academic meetings and was published in the The Journal of SICE. I have essential skills of an engineer. I have learned necessary operations for engineering, such as simulation, lab test, data analysis, etc. and I can use C, Python, Matlab. Furthermore, I received “The Research Encouragement Award” last year from SICE. Hence this honour and the work I have done should be evidence of my passion and qualification in the field of engineering.


